Company Commitment

Pop France SRL according to the European Legislation regarding Wood Mass (EUTR) is obligated to insure that all wood mass that is sold on the market must have a very low risk rate of the wood coming from sources that blatantly ignore the forestry legislation. In order to verify this aspect independently we have contacted SOIL Association Woodmark, a registered EU Monitoring Organization, to be used in out Due Diligence System (DDS) for evaluation and approval on a regular basis. All products sold by Pop France SRL will have a credible certification or other documentation to prove EUTR conformity. Pop France SRL will analyze and evaluate each acquisition by obtaining information from the supplier, including species and origin district alongside any applicable certification or legal documents available before placing wood mass products on the European market.

If the information provided is insufficient to establish a low risk of illegal activity, further investigation will be done for this purpose. This investigation will cover:

  • Insuring conformity with the applicable legislation, this can include certification or verification schemes from a third party
  • Prevalence to illegal logging of certain trees
  • Prevalence to illegal logging in the country of origin of the wood inclusive of risk of armed conflict in the area
  • Sanctions imposed by the UN or the European Union Council regarding imports and exports of wood mass

When a sufficient risk reduction assurance is not met the supplier will be taken out of the supply chain.

Pop France SRL is committed to concentrating on using sustainable sources for all it’s forestry products, at the same time admitting that legality itself is not enough to ensure a best outcome future for all forests. We support third party certification schemes, credible, involving numerous interested factors, which elaborate standards that cover a wide range of social, environmental and economic criteria. This is why we will do our best to increase the proportion of credibly certified products and helping this process along by involving suppliers.

Pop France SRL keeps all records of wood logged, bought and sold for a minimum of 5 years. Information regarding species and origin district will be provided to all our clients so they can also conform to the EUTR obligations regarding Traceability.

Despite our best efforts we are aware that no system can offer a guarantee of legality 100% and we understand that a requirement of EUTR is to completely ban illegal wood mass trade. Pop France SRL has a documented procedure regarding complaints and all complaints regarding DSS will be investigated and all actions taken, registered.